Artificial intelligence to optimize the relationship with customers

Artificial Intelligence is no longer something remote and from science fiction, it has become part of our lives and will increasingly be a daily tool both in businesses and in personal life. 

Real-time artificial intelligence is a way of completely transforming the customer experience. The highly personalized customer interactions are theoretically the optimal approach. AI allows a better understanding of customers in different contexts and channels, it can detect certain signals and understand the unique intent of each customer before he acts. Based on real-time data, AI is able to provide customized offers automatically or guide customer service operators to propose the most suitable offer at the most appropriate time. In highly regulated sectors, artificial intelligence can be a valid transparency tool to demonstrate why you are presenting a specific offer to specific customers.

In order for artificial intelligence to bring significant results, it is useful to clarify the meaning of customer experience as a sequence of brand-customer interactions through different touch points along the way, throughout its life cycle. It is a matter of managing everything in the best way since the impact of these interactions are crucial to guarantee a better experience, capable of generating more loyal customers and ready to promote the brand externally. 

Marketing can align content with the indications that come from AI and innovate the strategy, thanks to models based on both company data and external information. Thanks to the knowledge of customer behavior, it is also possible to carry out predictive and more effective target analyses to convey online content closer to the customer’s interests and e-mail campaigns, messages on smartphones and advertising.

A fact that will amaze, customers prefer to solve their problems themselves. In 2012, a Forrester research reported that 67% of people used online FAQ guides in that year, in 2015 Forrester repeated the search and in just 3 years, the percentage increased to as much as 81% and is in continuous growth. In the digital age, nobody wants to wait and for an answer by waiting on the phone and with the chatbots, voice bots and virtual assistants it is possible to avoid these bad experiences related to waiting. 

You can land on the brand’s website, open the chat and get the answer you are looking for automatically, the same with a call with the voice bot. They are not perfect yet, but these customer support tools improve every day by learning from layered questions, nuances of writing styles and tone of voice. 

Generic content and communications no longer work, consumers today are much more selective than they used to be and are constantly looking for experiences tailored for them that perfectly respond to their needs, preferences, and objectives. Research has shown that 49% of consumers confess that they are more likely to buy on impulse if they receive a personalized message from the brand. Artificial Intelligence platforms do not suffer the stress of everyday life, they can be programmed to always be positive, even when dealing with a very demanding or nervous customer. 

Keep in mind that 82% of consumers are willing to leave a brand if the customer service is not good enough, so investments in artificial intelligence are essential. According to recent research, 52% of consumers still have difficulties finding the product they are looking for online, therefore 68% choose the second choice if the first one is not available or not present online. 

Customer Experience today must embrace new technologies and adopting Artificial Intelligence tools means making the customer support process simpler and leaner. This ensures that we prioritize and respond effectively to customer needs. At the same time, buyers feel encouraged to connect with your brand.

Insights are obtained from the analysis that allows you to predict what customers will want and expect – and even prevent them. Accenture has found that 89% of customers are frustrated by having to repeat their problems to multiple agents, so knowing in advance what customers want is a powerful tool. AI, analytics and automation can help offer customers this experience, using predictive engagement.

Predictive engagement tools allow you to understand in advance what customers think, so you can interact with them when, where and how they want – even before they get in touch. Analytics can show that customers who have had a specific problem tend to have another type of problem as well. 

The use of predictive involvement allows you to ask questions and verify the second problem in the same chat, reducing calls, improving the effectiveness of the first contact and overall customer satisfaction.

The best customer service is preventive and is based on knowing what customers think. 

Predictive analytics and engagement concern the prediction of customer behavior, arriving early when necessary and offering agent support to customers browsing the site and improving the overall experience by identifying and interacting with potential customers and at the time and through right channels. About 67% of customers motivate their abandonment with the poor customer experience, but only 1 out of 26 dissatisfied customers actually complain: the others simply leave. Therefore, good customer experience is critical to reducing customer loss.

That’s why AI can help a lot to increase customer satisfaction and therefore also your turnover.

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